The House of 8grape
A profile agency.


Inquire about case studies
or call to set an appointment.
In their words…
Amil Gargano
“You did an excellent job with the web and print presentation. We couldn’t have asked for anything better. Thank you.”
Catalina Magee
“Breuk has been such a great asset in launching my international [Fashion] publication, Trend Privé Magazine.”
Victoria Schneps
“We really loved what you did with our media kit. Thank you.”
— Victoria Schneps -
Brittany Rawlings, Esq.
“We were so impressed, to say the least. We couldn’t believe you came up with that in two hours. That would have taken my marketing team two years to do, and they even said so. Good work, Breuk!”
Alan Leventhal (US Ambassador)
“This is the best promotional piece I’ve seen from you. I wrote ad copy for many years and really don’t need your services for the business I’m in, but I would certainly recommend you.”
Ellie Scully
“Breuk was able to aggregate my scope of unpolished ideas and distill them into a smart package of attributes. Breuk acted as a business partner who balanced out my strengths with grounded tactics.”
Ben Hecht, Esq.
“If everyone was as smart as you, I wouldn’t have to hire you. I f**king love our website and design so much…
Alexandra Abecrombie
“Votes decide the top 5. Judges pick the winner. So votes do matter!!!! “The media push you did was a great idea! You’re such a sweetheart. And thank you very much!”
Edgar David Grana
“My God, you really DO KNOW what you are doing, Breuk. Your communication skills are not just masterful but have sincerity and depth, natural to it. I have only felt that before from (my work with) Kurt Vonnegut.”

By focusing on building long-term relationships, 8grape produces consistent results and a long-term growth strategy for our Patrons.
One need look no further than our increasing Patron list to see Why we do the things we do, Who we work with and Where we’ve been.
They all start with: The Query.Thank you.
8grape *
We are 'Producers' who focus on creating strategies that produce great RESULTS. This is the single, most important, differentiating factor from other Advertisers, Branders, Marketers, and the like.We only work with companies and brands that
a) DO NOT harm others with their services and products and
b) expect to see a return on their investment. -
8grape was created during the 2020 Pandemic by a collective of multi-disciplinary Producers. We sought to help NYC companies to recover and grow after the lockdowns and loss o business.
The combination of Producers* continue to create campaigns which consistently generate three to four times (3-4x) a Return on Investment (ROI).
Simply put, we are the Producers who use a tested and vetted combination of advanced advertising, branding, communications, and design strategies to achieve results.

in more detail…
The Graper™
This workshop was designed to help growing businesses learn the things: “They don’t know, that they don’t know.” about Ad & Brand Markets on steroids and crack.
If you aren’t satisfied with the results in 12 weeks, you will get your investment returned (as a full refund).
This is available for a limited time. Email us to schedule a time to speak or meet. Thank you.
Normally, for a modest $5K per month investment we produce an impressive $50-70K in less than 3 months. To see if your service or product-based company can qualify, just email us.

House of 8grape
Business as usual
The Process happens through a well-thought out, time-tested FORMULA. This Process took 25 years to develop.
Here’s how the FORMULA works:
Firstly, we do a 4-6 hour Observation Lab to better understand a Patron’s business. Secondly, we rate the business in 4 Departments:
1. Branding,
2. Design,
3. Communications,
4. Advertising.Each Department is then rated on a scale of 1-25 (25 x 4 (Departments) = 100 points).
Then, the FORMULA tells us what we’ll need to do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
Then, we propose a dollar amount and get into the actual work of creating a campaign and executing its development.
There is a full-day intensive workshop which includes a questionnaire (Query), an observation lab, and doing a deep-dive in each of the 4 departments in the FORMULA.
This Workshop assures clearer communications and a far deeper understanding of the techniques we use for the Patron and our team.
FAIR WARNING: We use counterintuitive methods which Produce very remarkable (3x) results.
This full-day intensive Workshop is called ‘Advertising & Branding on Steroids and Crack.’
More is here: Query
Breuk Iversen
yes@8grape.com#8grape #formula #profileagency