Who we are.


Education. Entertainment. Excellence.

“If you’re not invited
to dinner, it’s because
you’re on the menu.”

Colin A.R. Pearce, LLM

For your eyes only.

Everything changes.

There comes a point in time when it is necessary to chart a new course, in business, for-profit, et cetera. This point can happen despite many hours, months, and even years invested in preparation to avoid a business slowing or losing money.

No one is immune to these changes in circumstance, including the Fortune 500. The smartest ones prepare for rainy days that inevitably come and even they can run into unexpected cultural changes and shifts in cunsumer behavior. The smart ones who have a “brand” can be immune to “unbranded” competition when it shows its face.

In time the truth is that everything changes. There is one and only certainty in life, now and forever. This is change. Everything changes.

The House of 8grape 🍇

e: yes@8grape.com

— merci beaucoup.



Our world is more saturated with mediocrity than ever. The sheer quantity of mediocre people, places, and things now overrun the finer quality of things. Even luxury brand are riding on the junk train.

The results of this shift have produced a mountain high mental trash—soul desaturation, and a media clutter landscape which we must ween for hours through to find the truth. The question is: Where do we go from here?


Our work is to collaborate with select 8grape patrons to rebuild their public profile. One way we cull through the media clutter and poor quality is to create great, deeper, and more meaningful connections for our patrons and their Clients or Customers.


Our purpose is to assure consistently excellent work—in and through—the written word and graphic image.

We support patron’s who are interested in the quality of things rather than quantity. This quality will always sustain the test of time. Always.

The House of 8grape

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in-depth case studies.