The Query
What it is.
The Query is primarily an intensive Workshop called: “Advertising and Branding on steroids and crack.” It is designed for purpose-driven businesses, leaders, brands and companies who are losing money or want to grow their business.
The Query also benefits people who are ready to leave that dead end job or branch out and launch a brand of their own.
Some patrons have obtained their personal and professional freedom(s) but have yet to obtain financial freedom. Our patrons have become very profitable companies and now have the freedom to call their own shots. Amen.
— The House of 8grape
The Query
5 Part Package
The Query is our premium pack composed
of several parts:
1. an Interview
2. a Query (questionnaire)
3. a 6-8 hour Workshop
4. a 10-Step Action Plan
5. a Strategy* to move forward.
This is bound to be an eye-opening experience. The Query asks key questions like:
• How interesting are your images and overall message?
• How different are you than every other business that is just like yours?
• How well does the business’s brand stand out?
• Are the images designed to be compelling enough to inspire people to take action?
Answers to these questions are critical in creating a successful advertising and branding strategy. 😍
Then and now.
3 questions from
The Query:
If your business were to shutter its doors tomorrow, what are your customers, associates, family, and friends saying about the business?
Do you want to be a King/Queen or Rich?
When you were a child, what was your FAVORITE…Fairytale, Myth or Legend?
Plus 27 more questions.
A 10-Step
action plan:
Mailer (print or pdf)
Calls (a script is written for you)
Email (an email is written for you)
Graphics (Improved graphics)
Social (new action steps for 2024)
Video (and Reel ideas to produce)
Website (suggestions)
Press (fashioning a PRO press release).
When to Send and Post
Where to Send and Post
Group: 2 or more: 5000.*°
Individual (1+): 3500.*
* (This cost gets applied to any
A2B Module moving forward).
° (Group is limited up to 6 shareholders).
Not 100% sure
if The Query
is for you?
Schedule a quick call
with Breuk > here
to figure it out.
Don’t stress if this isn’t right for you.
We only work with businesses that:
1. Come to us ‘highly recommended‘.
2. Share our ideological values.
The Deliverables:
1. Interview: How your business brand
(both images and text)
are landing on the public
(your audience)
2. The Query and its results
3. a 6-8 hour intensive Workshop called:
“Advertising & Branding
on steroids and crack.”
CHOOSE a full 8-hour day
or two, 4-hour sessions
or four, 2-hour sessions…
4. a 10-Step Action Plan
to do right away (customized)
5. a Strategy to move forward
(based on the Interview).*
“A Plan is Not a Strategy.”
— Harvard Business Review
In their words…
Amil Gargano
“You did an excellent job with the web and print presentation. We couldn’t have asked for anything better. Thank you.”
Catalina Magee
“Breuk has been such a great asset in launching my international [Fashion] publication, Trend Privé Magazine.”
Victoria Schneps
“We really loved what you did with our media kit. Thank you.” [ Schneps ]
— Victoria Schneps, Founder -
Brittany Rawlings, Esq.
“We were so impressed, to say the least. We couldn’t believe you came up with that in two hours. That would have taken my marketing team two years to do, and they even said so. Good work, Breuk!”
Alan Leventhal (US Ambassador)
“This is the best promotional piece I’ve seen from you. I wrote ad copy for many years and really don’t need your services for the business I’m in, but I would certainly recommend you.”
Ellie Scully
“Breuk was able to aggregate my scope of unpolished ideas and distill them into a smart package of attributes. Breuk acted as a business partner who balanced out my strengths with grounded tactics.”
Ben Hecht, Esq.
“If everyone was as smart as you, I wouldn’t have to hire you. I f**king love our website and design so much…
Alexandra Abecrombie
“I read the rules again. Votes decide the top 5. Judges pick the winner. So votes do matter!!!! “The media push you did was a great idea! You’re such a sweetheart. And thank you very much!”
Edgar David Grana
“My God, you really DO KNOW what you are doing, Breuk. Your communication skills are not just masterful but have sincerity and depth, natural to it. I have only felt that before from (my work with) Kurt Vonnegut.”
Completed: “Advertising &
Branding on steroids and crack.”
In her words:
“I had very little knowledge of branding and advertising. I thought it would be too difficult to understand. After going through the presentation I've found I have an enhanced understanding of this discipline through Breuk's artwork, the presentation itself, charts, and algorithms.
I have a far deeper understanding of the emotional and subconscious components as to how it is applied to marketing and its affects on a target audience. The presentation, for me, was the complete package.
Thank you Breuk!”
— Leela Brooks, RN (for 30 years)
Steiny’s Pub completed:
“Advertising & Branding on steroids and crack.”
In their words:
“You will NOT regret taking Breuk Iversen’s “Advertising & Branding on steroids as crack.” It’s a hilariously informative and applicable journey with major league take-aways for any business — and worth every penny.”
— Steiny’s Pub [ ] S.I.N.Y
Brian had completed the “Advertising & Branding on steroids and crack.”
In his words:
“At first I was apprehensive at dedicating so much of my precious time to some guys meanderings thoughts. Six (to 8) hours, are you kidding me?!? How can Breuk know my goals better than me?
Put trust into the process as he breaks it down. It will give meaning to your brand as it defines your purpose. Understanding his ideas revitalized my entire approach on how I will attain my business goals. It not only gave me the knowledge I needed but the structure I require to make shit happen.”
— Brian Hildebrand [ ]
— The House of 8grape
Pre-qualifying Search