EatLab is a new food concept for Staten Island restaurateurs. 

The concept is simple:
Chefs from Staten Island host a one-night-only, pop-up event. The objective is to celebrate S.I. chefs and offer an opportunity for restauranteurs to be exposed to a new audience of foodies and naturally, make money in the process. 

EatLab may also be used as an experimental lab. If you ever wanted to reinvent the wheel, test a new dish or menu options, this is a great opportunity to do it. If you just wanted to expose your tried and true menu to more people, this will definitely be the new place to do it. 

The end result of all EatLab events is “to make money”. The reason “Why” to do it is to CELEBRATE S.I. Chefs who make their livelihood feeding and entertaining their guests for a living. 

Chefs can choose
A. á la carte or
B. EVENT Style depending on their brand and comfort level.  

  1. á la carte pricing can range from $25-75. pp. 

  2. EVENT Style pricing ranges from $75-150. pp. 

Naturally, all expenses are subtracted from the gross income and the split between EatLab and participating CHEFs are agreed upon. Dates and promotions are arranged and also agreed upon, pending an approval, by the host Chef and West Cork Grill venue. 

c: (718) 578-6613
e: yes@8grape.com
Breuk Iversen


  1. Choose either the á la carte or EVENT Style as an ideal option along with the value you are providing for clients or customers (aka patrons). The value for the patrons has to be there. If you choose the á la carte option, the doors will be open to the public.* If you choose the EVENT Style option, tickets will be presold and the doors closed, private event, as required by law. 

  2. You will be provided two EatLab images and subsequent copy (with #hashtags) pending your approval. The graphic and copy is to promote the CHEFs and the offering for the evening. These images and text should naturally be posted, in advance, before the night of the event (on FB and IG) or anywhere else you or your Social Media team posts. These posts are designed to assist in PreSales and assure that the event is properly promoted and sold.  

  3. EatLab will additionally handle distributing Press Release(s) to Pam Silvestri (of the SI Advance) and various Social Media Pre- and Post-event to assure press coverage and notice for each week.
    e : yes@8grape.com



YOU. We are here to CELEBRATE Staten Island chefs and what they do. 


A special pop-up event for chefs and restauranteurs (Staten Island exclusive).  


To Be Determined


Usually on a slow night like Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.  


Because plenty of research shows that many people are looking for new entertainment(s) that are fresh
and different, especially around dining.

Hence: EatLab

*Our job is to organize these events and garner attraction for an á la carte or Event Style evening we do.”

— Breuk Iversen